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Green Street Realty Starting Construction on Campus Opportunity Zone Project

Published: February 11th, 2020

Green Street Realty Starting Construction on Campus Opportunity Zone Project

Green Street Realty will start work later this spring on a new University of Illinois development project. The development is located at 711 S Fourth St, Champaign and will feature 84 units and 162 beds. The project will begin in the Spring of 2020 and will deliver in July of 2021. The project is located in a  Federally designated Opportunity Zone. This is one of several opportunity zone projects that Green Street has underway, with other opportunity zone locations expected to coming online in the Champaign-Urbana market including 32 E Green St, Champaign, 103 E Healey, Champaign and 54 E John St, Champaign. In addition, Green Street Realty has Opportunity Zone projects starting in Lafayette, Indiana, Goodyear, Arizona and Colorado Springs, Colorado.