College Housing in Champaign IL
Providing Housing for Champaign-Urbana For Over 10 Years
Green St Realty is an apartment rental company in Champaign-Urbana IL. We want to make sure University of Illinois students have a place to call home. We have 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom, and 4-bedroom college housing in Champaign IL at very competitive prices.
There are many college housing providers in Champaign IL, but the advantage of working with Green St Realty is that we can help you find college housing that is sure to be in your price range. Our apartments are within walking distance of the campus, making it easy for students to commute back and forth. Click one of the buttons below to get started.
On-Campus Apartments | Off-Campus Apartments
Where To Find Us
Office: 510 S Neil St Champaign IL 61820
Phone: (217)356-8750